I hear you on the thank you page. We made a reward for the Slice(s) of Life anthology that included a custom “name your pizza” and we had to chase down the last few backers to ensure we had that info before going to print.

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It's a wonderful idea in theory, but it can really gum up the works.

I totally get that people aren't sitting by their computers, eagerly awaiting a survey email from me - but I just end up doing that waiting for responses!

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Separately, how do you find the stats for your audio portion of your newsletter? I know James Powell was looking for feedback on his recently, so if the stats exist within Substack, that would be helpful.

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There's a "podcast" section in your dashboard after you turn it on. It breaks out your downloads for 7, 30, 90 days and the overall total.

It also lets you cross-post onto all kinds of podcast apps (not dissimilar to how you can in the Spotify console).

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You produce them; we buy them. It's a great system, no?

Pleased to see how well this campaign is doing.

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Thanks, Paul! It's honestly a great feeling to know people are enjoying it all --

-- and kind of a relief too! 😅

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