Happy May Day!
Nearly a year of work brings me to this:
It’s been much longer than a year to get to this point. Getting over the fear of “what happens if it doesn’t work out” stopped me for longer than I ever imagined it would. 2020, and all the came with it, gave me the feeling that “it’s now or never”.
So here we are. The first Kickstarter with a modest goal and a ton of support from the Indie Comics community to help push it forward thus far. I’m incredibly grateful for that (as I've mentioned before in this post.)
All that said, hitting that launch button didn’t give me the anxiety I thought it might. I’m ready for it - though I’ll be refreshing the campaign page incessantly for a month.
Valentin put in some incredible work here and I think you’ll appreciate it. It brings some depth to a story that I tried to keep relatively straight-forward while hinting at current affairs.
To make sure there’s no risk to backers, I made sure the book was ready to print before launching. All the art is done. We’re ready.
I’m excited to get this rolling. I’ll be sharing a mid-campaign update on May 15th. I’m sure I’ll have some insights and will be happy to share some the background stuff I did to get ready for this in the coming weeks (hint: lots of spreadsheets).
With any luck, this is only the beginning. Already more planned, but first we need to get Unlimited Udo off the ground.
If you haven’t pledged already, please consider it.
Thanks for your support in reading this and see you in a couple weeks!