This Is Dublin
To start: The outcome of the Thursday night riot weren’t as bad as the news made it out to be. A tram and a garda car went up in flames, leading to some very concerning video and photos, but that’s mostly it.
Also, a Foot Locker was victim to some pre-Black Friday looting.
Other than that blemish, it was a great experience.
Well, that and driving.
Being on the opposite side of the road, and the car, is fine. You get used to it quickly.
What I couldn’t get used to quickly was how narrow the roads all were. So narrow that if a car is coming the other way - one of you is going to be backing up for a few minutes until someone can squeeze past.
Is It Dublin Though?
I’ll admit, we stuck primarily to the touristy areas. There was a shocking amount of American (or potentially Canadian) accents everywhere we went. Not entirely unsurprising, but mildly disappointing. A seven hour flight made it feel like I landed in Boston.
And as good as the Guinness was - I couldn’t tell you the difference. If it’s poured right, in Ireland or in Toronto, it’ll taste good.
Comics Abroad = Comics at Home
I obviously needed to check out the comic scene while I was there.
Aside from 2000AD having a prominent spot on the shelves next to the latest from the Big Two - it felt very much the same as home. Sub City had a basement full of back issues that, if it weren’t for the exchange rate, I could have spent a good portion of the afternoon there.
Forbidden Planet’s basement was all Manga and Anime. Not an unusual sight here (I’m looking at you, Conspiracy Comics) and just goes to show how popular that genre (medium? format?) has become.
There’s a point to this, other than showing you some pictures…
Rest is a Chance to Reset
Sometimes, you just need to not think about any of your responsibilities. Whether it’s the day job or your fledgling comic book publishing side-hustle.
You need time to only be worried about what foods you’re going to try, beers you’re going to drink and if you saw enough new stuff in a day.
Rest is part of your work.
You need to take breaks so you can get your work done. You need to do something else. Think of something else. Just for a little bit.
When you come back, you’ll be motivated as ever to get things done.
I know I am.
What’s Next?
December 15
An (Early) Year in Review
It’s about that time to look back on how 2023 went.
January 1
New Year, New All of Us
What’s in store for 2024 - as far as I know…
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